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World Mental Health Day 2021

Updated: Oct 12, 2021


Sunday 10th October is World Mental Health Day. World mental health day aims to raise awareness and educate people about mental health issues across the world. The theme of this year's World Mental Health Day is 'Mental health in an unequal world'. Whilst it should be acknowledged that everyone has mental health and wellbeing needs that lie along a continuum, often mental health issues can be exacerbated and are made worse depending on our social contexts that we live in, that make up the wider circumstances of our lives. One step to promote equality - is first to acknowledge that everyone experiences mental health and that it's ok not to be ok.

World Mental Health Day is a chance to talk about any mental health concerns, or issues that affect our health and wellbeing. In doing so, we can help destigmatise mental health and support each other to open up, connect with others and let them know how we are doing. By encouraging talking to each other, we are breaking down barriers that prevent people from sharing any concerns or difficulties that might be faced. By breaking any stigma associated with mental health, helps open the door to accessible support for everyone and reduces the risk of people suffering in silence.

The Wellbeing Service actively encourage you to reach out to others if you are having any difficulty, whether that be talking to friends, family or support services. As part of our service we refer to the 5 ways to wellbeing - that suggests that 'connection' with others is one of the five ways to look after your wellbeing and supports your overall health. Therefore talking, listening and connecting with others is fundamental to supporting our overall wellbeing and helps to reduce the risk of ill health.

If you or someone you know is struggling at the moment and wish for support to manage any difficulties that you face, then you can contact the Wellbeing Service and book an appointment with your faculty wellbeing advisor and be proactive in reaching out, connecting and supporting your health and wellbeing. And as it has been World Mental Health Awareness Day - why not reach out to a friend, connect and check in to see how they are doing too. This will not only support their health & wellbeing, but helps to support you too.

Written by Ben Webster Faculty of Arts & Humanities

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